Wednesday, December 7, 2011

PTA unites behind an initiative to transform and fairly fund our schools | Thoughts on Public Education

PTA unites behind an initiative to transform and fairly fund our schools | Thoughts on Public Education:

PTA unites behind an initiative to transform and fairly fund our schools

By Carol Kocivar

This holiday season, one item at the top of wish lists for most parents is a public school system that delivers a well-rounded education for all students – one that prepares them for college, career, and adulthood. The future of our state and our economy depends on it.

Unfortunately, school budgets have been decimated by $20 billion in cuts in just the last few years. Essential programs for students have been eliminated or cut dramatically.

One thing I see and hear firsthand when I visit local communities throughout the state is that parents, educators, and community members have had it with these cuts.

In a recent survey, nine out of every 10 local PTA leaders and members rated “adequate