Friday, December 23, 2011

Parent outcry forces Rahm to leave desegregated La Salle alone. « Fred Klonsky

Parent outcry forces Rahm to leave desegregated La Salle alone. « Fred Klonsky:

Parent outcry forces Rahm to leave desegregated La Salle alone.

It became an embarrassment to the Mayor.

La Salle Language Academy, one of the first magnet schools in the city, established as a result of a court ordered desegregation plan thirty years ago, was about to be demagnetized. Located in Rahm’s own upscale neighborhood, Rahm’s plan would turn the school from being 30% white to 60% white.

The outcry was loud and sustained. And in the end, CPS CEO J.C. Brizard sent an email to parents saying he