Friday, December 9, 2011

NYC Educator: Being Rude Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry

NYC Educator: Being Rude Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry:

Being Rude Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry

The 13th Amendment prohibits slavery. Yet many of my colleagues have been working for nothing all year, teaching 6th period classes and looking vainly at each paycheck for some acknowledgement of their efforts. The DOE, in its infinite wisdom, let them wait three months but is bringing them a little Christmas cheer come December 15th. In fact, they have received written notice of such.

Unless, of course, they didn't. One of my friends didn't get one. She was told her supervisor was supposed to have reported it, but didn't. The supervisor, of course, denied having neglected anything. Yet there was my poor colleague, bereft of holiday cheer while everyone else was