Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve Noise Demo Against The Prison-Industrial Complex | #OWS #edREFORM

New Year's Eve Noise Demo Against The Prison-Industrial Complex |

New Year's Eve Noise Demo Against The Prison-Industrial Complex

Noise Demo in Solidarity With Political Prisoners & Prisoners of War

Saturday, December 31st. 9PM (EST) MCC (Metropolitan Correctional Center), 150 Park Row, Manhattan (J to Chambers Street or 4/5/6 to City Hall)

via the NYC Anarchist Black Cross:

To many it feels like we live in a time like no other– with surveillance and repression at every turn, but also resistance, rebellion, and open revolt. However, this is neither the new golden nor dark age, it is simply another moment in time where we can collectively force conflict with a fundamentally fucked system.

Every day there are revolts of varying scale, many of which never make it to your local news or facebook stream. For those captured in revolt, we heed the call for an international night of noise demonstrations. In the rotten heart of world capital, we honor this call and use it as a reminder– prison is a means of social control to be absolutely destroyed.

We come together in protest and celebration. For those locked up, we bring that celebration. Through the din of revelry and rage, we tie ourselves to those who suffer systematized white supremacy and war against the working class, behind steel bars and safety glass.

May this simple night of noise-bringing carry momentum into a new year of open conflict with the state and capital.

NYC ABC Post Office Box 110034 Brooklyn, New York 11211

[nycabc[at]riseup[dot]net]( http://nycabc.wordpress.com

Free all Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War! For the Abolition of State Repression and Domination!