Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Missouri Education Watchdog: The Symbiotic Relationship of Bill Gates, Arne Duncan and Pearson...and the Takeover of American Education

Missouri Education Watchdog: The Symbiotic Relationship of Bill Gates, Arne Duncan and Pearson...and the Takeover of American Education:

The Symbiotic Relationship of Bill Gates, Arne Duncan and Pearson...and the Takeover of American Education

Arne Duncan has embraced Bill Gates' vision of education. Bill Gates has had a hand in crafting the common core standards and has provided grant money to advance the implementation in schools around the country. It doesn't apparently matter to Arne Duncan these standards are unproven, untested and unconstitutional. It also apparently doesn't matter that Mr. Gates' previous dalliances into the education arena proved unsuccessful.

Bill Gates has his vision and billions of dollars to start the wheels turning for common core and the data that accompanies the assessments critical to the common core plan. If he can get this implemented, his companies