Monday, December 5, 2011

Killer apps and creative disruptions | Thoughts on Public Education

Killer apps and creative disruptions | Thoughts on Public Education:

Killer apps and creative disruptions - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

You’d have thought Salman Khan was George Clooney. After his keynote presentation and follow-up seminar at the California School Boards Association’s annual convention in San Diego on Friday, school trustees besieged him with question and requests. A few sought his autograph, others mugged for a photo with him. Eventually, the event moderator gently reminded them, [...]

Geograhy shouldn’t be destiny and won’t with Student Bill of Rights - by David Haglund

In his biography of Steve Jobs, author Walter Isaacson recounts an interesting story about Steve’s first days at a low-income middle school in Mountain View. Early on, confronted with violence, overcrowding and poor instruction, he threatened to drop out. His parents scraped together enough money to buy a house just three miles away on the [...]