Thursday, December 15, 2011

Jerry Brown’s cagily worded initiative | Thoughts on Public Education

Jerry Brown’s cagily worded initiative | Thoughts on Public Education:

Jerry Brown’s cagily worded initiative - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

Californians like the shorthand explanation of the tax increase that Gov. Jerry Brown is proposing for November. Seventy percent in a recent poll said they’d favor the initiative if the money would go to K-12 schools. But this would be true only in a narrow, technical sense. Schools will likely get billions of dollars less. That’s because, [...]

Once more around the track of school reforms in Los Angeles Unified - by Charles Taylor Kerchner

In a new labor agreement that embraces local school autonomy, Los Angeles Unified School District Superintendent John Deasy has jumped from one school reform horse to another. He dismounted the Public School Choice horse, thus ending the era when the school district sought to improve schools through robust competition among district-run school management teams, charters, and [...]