Thursday, December 15, 2011

An International Diane Ravitch Moment? - Lily's Blackboard – Lily's Blackboard

An International Diane Ravitch Moment? - Lily's Blackboard – Lily's Blackboard:

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An International Diane Ravitch Moment?

There is hope on the horizon, my dears.

For more than ten long, empty, intellectually dry and dishonest years, we’ve lived under the insanity of No Child Left Untested. (Someone told me not to be so negative. Trust me. I’m holding back.) Children, especially poor children, have been subjected to a corporate “reform” mentality of pass/fail by making their quota of test score points on some standardized garbage never designed to gauge anything more delicately complex than a child’s understanding of where the comma goes.

(Ironically, the only ones lately who have been afforded “social promotion” have