Saturday, December 10, 2011

How the FCAT Cut Score Debate Isolates Jeb Bush, Pearson, Florida Chamber of Commerce and Gerard Robinson | Scathing Purple Musings

How the FCAT Cut Score Debate Isolates Jeb Bush, Pearson, Florida Chamber of Commerce and Gerard Robinson | Scathing Purple Musings:

How the FCAT Cut Score Debate Isolates Jeb Bush, Pearson, Florida Chamber of Commerce and Gerard Robinson

From Kaitlyn Ross, writing for First Coast News:

The FCAT is getting national attention after a school board member in Orange County failed the standardized test.

“That should tell you a lot. Something’s wrong with the test, or something’s wrong with him. Which one is it?” asked Raines PTA President Vivian Jenkins.

The school board member in Orange County failing the test only validated how Jenkins said she’s