Thursday, December 29, 2011

Fraud, lies and cheating among British parents to get their kids in coveted primary schools |

Fraud, lies and cheating among British parents to get their kids in coveted primary schools |

Fraud, lies and cheating among British parents to get their kids in coveted primary schools

Andrew Hartman, who teaches history at Illinois StateUniversity, had a brilliant piece in the Washington Post regarding Teach for America (TFA), the reserve labor army for the capitalist class in their effort to destroy teacher unions and the teaching profession. Although the discussion centered around TFA, Hartman did comment about the rampant cheating on test scores that proliferate the educational landscape now that standardized tests are the measure for both teacher and student ‘success’ in the new privatized climate of American schools:

“More recently, cheating scandals have likewise discredited several celebrated reform projects. In Atlanta, a TFA hotbed, former superintendent and education reform darling Beverly Hall is implicated in a