Friday, December 30, 2011

Education: Obfuscation, Metonym or Comparison Device? « Cooperative Catalyst

Education: Obfuscation, Metonym or Comparison Device? « Cooperative Catalyst:

Education: Obfuscation, Metonym or Comparison Device?

During my 52-year trek to Utopia where I uncomfortably practice law, I fed cattle, pitched –it, picked rocks, baled hay and mended fences. I worked at fast-food places and apprehended shoplifters. I was a shop-rat, played cops and robbers, and was a Paramedic and a Paramedic Instructor. After 22 years of school and miscellaneous seminars, I note only the practice of law has involved much more than basic reading, writing and mathematical abilities.

Twenty-five years ago, several others and I started a business to train EMTs and Paramedics. EMS work was exciting (people got injured and died in amazing ways) and one working in the field could earn enough to survive. The training and learning were easy, involving skills and didactic components along with some clinical rotation