Friday, December 16, 2011

Education angst bared at JBC hearing | EdNewsColorado

Education angst bared at JBC hearing | EdNewsColorado:

Education angst bared at JBC hearing

Hopes, fears and frustrations about public schools, reform and state finances were at the boiling point Friday during the Joint Budget Committee’s hearing on the Department of Education’s proposed 2012-13 budget.

Deputy Education Commissioner Diana Sirko and Commissioner Robert HammondDeputy Education Commissioner Diana Sirko and Commissioner Robert Hammond
The hearing was part of the end-of-year routine during which the JBC is briefed by staff analysts on proposed budgets for state agencies and compile questions for department executives to answer at follow-up hearings. The hearing for CDE was Dec. 3 (see story), and Friday’s morning-long event was the opportunity for department executives to answer those questions (read their written responses).
The session was expected to focus on costs for proposed new state tests, a key issue because CDE wants $25.9 million in additional funding for creation of new tests required by a 2008 law, because Gov. John Hickenlooper doesn’t want to spend the money and because the legislative is facing another tight budget year.
Testing costs did get a thorough airing, but the discussion also ranged into school finance in general and the