Saturday, December 3, 2011

EAG’s Kyle Olson exposes kindergarten teacher’s use of “Click Clack Moo. Cows that Type,” to indoctrinate students. « Fred Klonsky

EAG’s Kyle Olson exposes kindergarten teacher’s use of “Click Clack Moo. Cows that Type,” to indoctrinate students. « Fred Klonsky:

EAG’s Kyle Olson exposes kindergarten teacher’s use of “Click Clack Moo. Cows that Type,” to indoctrinate students.

Back a few years, religious con-man Pat Robertson accused Sponge Bob Square Pants of being Gay.

Of course, who knows? Maybe Bob is Gay. I don’t care.

The latest right-wing loony accusation is delivered Kyle Olson of the Michigan-based grouplet, the Education Action Group.

Olson parades around as a concerned parent of a kindergartener. But we have pointed out that the EAG is secretly funded, has close ties to the Koch brothers, Andrew Breitbart and the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. The Mackinac Center has recently been exposed for secretly sending emails and lobbying Michigan