Thursday, December 1, 2011

Democurmudgeon: Again, Charter Schools Failing....

Democurmudgeon: Again, Charter Schools Failing....:

Again, Charter Schools Failing....

Here's another in a long line of stories proving once and for all charter and voucher schools are failing, and that they are only promoted to destroy our public schools.
EdWeek: Mayor Rahm Emanuel and other city leaders have long heralded charter schools' innovative approach to education (and want to expand it still), but new research suggests many charters in Chicago are performing no better than traditional neighborhood schools and some are actually doing much worse.
7 percent of students met state standards … nine out of every 10 students missed the state benchmark … The dismal numbers are part of a new set of school report cards.

Remember, Scott Walker wanted to do away with private school testing and allow all income groups into the