Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day of action, rally in Sacramento planned for March - The Daily Californian #ows

Day of action, rally in Sacramento planned for March - The Daily Californian:

Day of action, rally in Sacramento planned for March

About 70 people representing teachers’ and workers’ unions and Occupy movements from around northern California gathered into a cramped conference room in Berkeley Saturday afternoon to discuss ways of combining individual Occupy movements into one larger movement next year.

The meeting took place at the offices of United Auto Workers Local 2865 — a union that represents thousands of graduate student instructors, readers and tutors — where those present voted to hold a statewide day of action on March 1 and a rally in Sacramento March 5.

Organizers called for members from various community college, university and city Occupy movements to organize local mobilization activities on March 1 in anticipation for a rally at and subsequent occupation of the state capitol building on March 5.

“These actions won’t stop all the budget cuts,” said Andy Libson, a member of a union representing