Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Daily Kos: You still have a chance to make a big difference

Daily Kos: You still have a chance to make a big difference:

You still have a chance to make a big difference

for NN12 in Providence.

Let me back up.

While I had a few Black classmates in high school and one in my original college class, I grew up white middle class with little exposure to people all that different that myself. Well, okay, at least when it came to race and socio-economics. Our lower middle class kids were largely Italian.

It was not until I was in the Marine Corps in the mid-1960s that I really got to know people whose background and experience were very different than my own. Doing so broadened my world, deepened my sensitivity, made me a more complete person.

Too much of the blogosphere has been like that white middle class environment in which I have grown up.

Percentage increase in National Debt by Presidency

Drawing my figures from this website, which has lots of other interesting info as well.

Reagan 189.0%
Bush 43 89.0%
Bush 41 51.6%
Carter 42.6%
Clinton 36.0%
Obama 34.0%

Anyone notice a pattern????

see update beneath the fold