Monday, December 5, 2011

Daily Kos: Breaking: Cain to endorse Gingrich today

Daily Kos: Breaking: Cain to endorse Gingrich today:

Breaking: Cain to endorse Gingrich today

at least according to Fox News.

The two of them have apparently developed a friendly relationship

there was the "debate" that only included the two of them.

Here's one question - will Romney's people try to dismiss it, perhaps even on the grounds of one man straying from his marriage to endorse another, perhaps contrasting it with Romney being faithful to his wife? Candidate would not say it, but some staffers might try to put it out there to appeal to the family values types

Here's another - does Cain have any staffers/organization that he can turn over to Gingrich, especially in Iowa and NH?

Final question - does anyone here even care?