Sunday, December 18, 2011

Daily Kos: Battlefield America: Is Gitmo in Your Future?

Daily Kos: Battlefield America: Is Gitmo in Your Future?:

Battlefield America: Is Gitmo in Your Future?

I am finding many must reads in my morning perusal of emails and news websites.  Ray McGovern is a former ranking figure at the Central Intelligence Agency who took his oath of office to the Constitution seriously.  He sought the impeachment of the last administration.  He has opposed the expansion of military and administrative power at the expense of civil liberties.  In short, he is as we say in Yiddish a mensch.  I was honored to have him speak to my students several years back.
Today he has a profound, important piece reposted at Alternet, originally posted at Consortium News on December 4.  I borrowed its title for this post.  I strongly urge you take the time to read the entire piece here.
Let me entice you some with this, his opening paragraph:
Ambiguous but alarming new wording, which is tucked into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and was just passed by the Senate, is reminiscent of the “extraordinary measures” introduced by the Nazis after they took power in 1933.
And that's just the beginning.