Thursday, December 22, 2011

Class Parent: Giving Back to Teacher – SchoolBook

Class Parent: Giving Back to Teacher – SchoolBook:

Class Parent: Giving Back to Teacher

Jodi Rudoren, education editor of The Times, is a co-class parent at her twins’ school in Brooklyn. She has been blogging about her experience this year. Other parents have been offering advice in response to this query:What advice do you have for a new class parent? Today the query is: How did you handle holiday gifts for your children’s teachers? You can answer below.

I admit I had not really given my holiday-shopping responsibilities as class parent much thought before I got the first e-mail, Dec. 4, from a more forward-thinking or perhaps more generous mom, about organizing a class gift for the pre-K teacher.

“What do you think the chances are of actually getting donations?” she asked. “Logistically more trouble than it is worth?”

I consulted my co-class parent, who not only has an older child and thus more experience in such matters, but