Friday, December 30, 2011

Board of Governors Rebuke of USF President “Shameless Political Boot Licking” | Scathing Purple Musings

Board of Governors Rebuke of USF President “Shameless Political Boot Licking” | Scathing Purple Musings:

Board of Governors Rebuke of USF President “Shameless Political Boot Licking”


The editors of the Tampa Tribune really let two Board of Governors have it for assailing USF president Judy Genshaft after she dismissed an “insubordinate administrator.” Genshaft sacked USF Polytechnic – Lakeland chancellor Marshall Goodman last week.

So the attack on Genshaft was an exercise in shameless political boot licking. As Pasco’s Sen. Mike Fasano pointed out, the governors have no authority over such management decisions.

Expect more of the same at the Board of Governors meeting in January. Hosseini even echoed