Friday, December 23, 2011

Bill Would Require Transparency in Charter School Management | Scathing Purple Musings

Bill Would Require Transparency in Charter School Management | Scathing Purple Musings:

Bill Would Require Transparency in Charter School Management

Miami Herald reporters Kathleen McGrory and Scott Hiaasen have been breaking stories on charter school shenanigans. It appears people have been reading their work. Democrat state senator Larcenia Bullard has filed a bill that would require charter schools to post information on their management companies on their websites.
Her proposal was submitted days after The Miami Herald concluded a three-part series examining South Florida’s $400 million-a-year charter school industry. The investigation found that charter schools have given rise to a cottage industry of for-profit management companies, some of which have almost total financial control over the charter schools they run. Charter schools receive public funding, but are under the purview of independent governing boards instead of local school districts.In South Florida, two-thirds of charter schools have contracts with management