Friday, December 30, 2011

As the new year comes, there is good news out of the Heartland for those of us toiling in the field of teacher union reform. « Fred Klonsky

As the new year comes, there is good news out of the Heartland for those of us toiling in the field of teacher union reform. « Fred Klonsky:

As the new year comes, there is good news out of the Heartland for those of us toiling in the field of teacher union reform.

MTU’s Bob Peterson and the CTU’s Karen Lewis. A fresh wind out of the Heartland.

To both old and new readers of this blog, it is clear that there is nobody more dedicated to the value of teacher unionism than this blogger. And nobody more concerned with the direction of the leadership of the Illinois Education Association and the National Education Association.

I am not just critical of one or two decisions. Who can’t live with that?

I am critical of a vision of teacher unionism that has dominated our Association going back for at least the last twenty years that I have been active in it.

It is a vision of constant compromises that have gutted rights that took years to win. It has turned the idea of