Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 Policy Progress Report: No Child Left Behind - US News and World Report

2011 Policy Progress Report: No Child Left Behind - US News and World Report:

2011 Policy Progress Report: No Child Left Behind

It was a big year for the nation's central K-12 education policy

December 28, 2011 RSS Feed Print

The nation's now unpopular key education policy saw more action in Washington this year than it did since it passed in 2001.

No Child Left Behind has been overdue for a rewrite since 2007, and education experts agree final reform needs to come from Congress. But this year, the real action came from the executive branch.

Out of frustration with congressional inaction, President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan took matters into their own hands this fall and outlined a waiver program for any states willing to embrace certain "reforms."

These include college- and career-ready standards, an accountability process for rewarding schools that show