Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wisconsin Education Dept. Responds To DOJ Voucher Probe

Wisconsin Education Dept. Responds To DOJ Voucher Probe:

Wisconsin Education Dept. Responds To DOJ Voucher Probe

Voucher Wisconsin Milwaukee Department Of Justice

First Posted: 11/3/11 05:30 PM ET Updated: 11/3/11 06:37 PM ET

The Department of Justice has begun an investigation into Wisconsin's Department of Public Instruction, probing whether Milwaukee's state-administered voucher system is discriminating against students with disabilities. In response, the state is arguing that federal obligations don't apply to Wisconsin's voucher schools, according to a letter obtained by The Huffington Post Thursday.

Milwaukee's voucher system, which allows low-income students to attend private schools using tax dollars, came under fire in June for allegedlydiscriminating based on disability. The complaint ultimately led to the Department of Justice investigation.

Wisconsin's Department of Public Instruction responded to the DOJ Sept. 27 in a letter that has not