Thursday, November 24, 2011

Weinstein, Dockery to Sponsor Bill to Determine Adequate School Funding | Scathing Purple Musings

Weinstein, Dockery to Sponsor Bill to Determine Adequate School Funding | Scathing Purple Musings:

Weinstein, Dockery to Sponsor Bill to Determine Adequate School Funding

With news yesterday that the 2009 failure to fund lawsuit would be going forward, Florida’s republican dominated legislature may be forced to consider determining just what adequate school funding is. Jacksonville Representative Mike Weinstein and Lakeland Senator Paul Dockery are trying to do just that. HB 001 (SB 242) proposes to allow

“the Office of Program Policy and Governmental Accountability (OPPAGA) to conduct a study to determine the minimum number of dollars needed to meet the constitutional requirement for adequate funding in Florida’s free public schools.”

Florida-Times Union reporter Matt Dixon sees the link as well:

The push to get an exact funding number comes at the tail end of nearly 2-year-old lawsuit filed by