Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Union rights win big in Ohio. « Fred Klonsky

Union rights win big in Ohio. « Fred Klonsky:

Union rights win big in Ohio.

Early returns predict a major defeat for Ohio Republican Governor Kasich.

His attempt to destroy collective bargaining is going down to defeat by a two to one margin in an election that was held today.

Ohio voters flocked to polls on Tuesday as Ohio Republican governor John Kasich awaited the results concerning a controversial law concerning collective bargaining.

Issue 2 is failing by a 63 percent to 37 percent. Earlier polls showed Issue 2, which would overturn Senate Bill 5, with a wide base of support.

SB512 passes out of Pension Committee to the full House.

This evening the Pension Committee of the House voted the pension killer, SB512 on to the full House on a 5 to 4 vote.

N0 votes were: Ray Poe, Daniel Biss, Daniel Burke, Karen May.

Yes votes were: Kevin McCarthy, Elaine Nekritz, Thomas Morrison, Darlene Senger, Dave Winters