Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tweeting with the guy from the Illinois Policy Institute. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Tweeting with the guy from the Illinois Policy Institute. « Fred Klonsky's blog:

Tweeting with the guy from the Illinois Policy Institute.

The Illinois Policy Institute’s Jonathan Ingram.

In an earlier post I made reference to a report form the Illinois Policy Institute on teacher contributions to the Teacher Retirement System. The IPC is a right-wing think thank with Koch brothers affiliations and other ties to the one percenters. They made the claim that nearly half of Illinois teachers have their TRS contribution paid for by their boards of education.

I posted that this was a distortion of the data and and without providing context, was dishonest.

In response I got Tweet bombed today by Jonathan Ingram, the Health Policy Analyst on the staff of IPC.

Check out the staff, by the way. A more diverse group of folks you can find almost randomly on any Chicago