Friday, November 4, 2011

Transformers Top Ten List

Transformers Top Ten List:

Transformers Top Ten List

This is a blog to tell SOS readers about IDEC 2012 Week.

And–the IDEC 2012 Conference in Puerto Rico next March, a celebration of democratic education– education that is human, powerful, relevant and transformative. Right up Save Our Schools’ alley.

So–how do you transform public education in a world where data and profit trump human needs?

How do you create a climate where education is continuously reinvented–collaboratively and sustainably–in forms that honor our democratic roots and the gifts of children? How do we foster equity and creativity, when the power elite are demanding standardization and rewarding meaningless credentials?

Gotta start somewhere.

Talking to public school teachers (who still serve some 85% of American kids) feels like an exercise in psychotherapy these days. Teachers are beaten down, their natural desire to help kids repressed, autonomy