Monday, November 21, 2011

Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top AM Posts #ows #edreform

Who Are The Occupiers? | #ows

Who Are The Occupiers? | Janice Leber (Chopped Liver)PoliticsNov 20, 20110diggSharePolice closed down the bridge so the protesters couldn't.Portland, Oregon, is occupied. In the blink of an eye, Portland became a police state. Good cop became bad cop in the space of a day — specifically Nov. 13, when Portland’s formal downtown Occupation was rousted and the parks were fenced off. Since then they have been guarded 24/7 by gruff police in riot gear.The Occupy movement called for a ... more »

LA Times backs California's NCLB Defiance - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

LA Times backs California's NCLB Defiance - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:LA Times backs California's NCLB Defianceby Anthony CodyFollow me on Twitter: @anthonycodyToday the Los Angeles Times, the largest circulation newspaper in the largest metropolis in the most populous state in the nation, came out in support of the decision by Governor Jerry Brown and Superintendent Tom Torlakson to ignore the Department of Education's invitation to file for a waiver of No Child Left Behind.The newspaper's editorial board ... more »

NYC Public School Parents: Bloomberg DOE Mismanagement of Queens High School at November PEP Meeting

NYC Public School Parents: Bloomberg DOE Mismanagement of Queens High School at November PEP Meeting:Bloomberg DOE Mismanagement of Queens High School at November PEP Meetingby Patrick J. SullivanThe November Panel for Educational Policy meeting was held in the Frank Sinatra High School in Astoria, Queens.Rules of OrderPanel members were provided with headphones to allow us to hear each other in case the noise got too loud. The audience was relatively small so we did no

Schools Matter: Christie, Who's Your Mama? Who's Your Daddy?

Schools Matter: Christie, Who's Your Mama? Who's Your Daddy?:Christie, Who's Your Mama? Who's Your Daddy?by Judy RabinNew Jersey is fast becoming the latest front in the war against teacher unions, tenure and quality public education, all with the help of a new front organization called "Better Education for Kids." Not since No Child Left Behind has such a misleading, clever propaganda campaign been hoisted on the public. Even though in terms of performance and community satisfaction, New Jersey's public schools ... more »

NYC Public School Parents: Video: the drummers from Occupy Wall St. and Norman Siegel gather around the corner from Bloomberg's residence #ows

NYC Public School Parents: Video: the drummers from Occupy Wall St. and Norman Siegel gather around the corner from Bloomberg's residence:Video: the drummers from Occupy Wall St. and Norman Siegel gather around the corner from Bloomberg's residenceby Leonie HaimsonThis afternoon, I went to see the drummers who, after being kicked out of Zuccotti Park, decided to protest outside Bloomberg's townhouse on E. 79 St. Sadly, the police blocked off the street, but the drummers gathered anyway on 5th avenue next ... more »

Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top Early Evening Posts #ows #edreform

UC Davis Chancellor does a perp walk after hiding three hours in her office. « Fred Klonsky #owsBig Education Ape - PostRank (PostRank: All)-18 minutes agoUC Davis Chancellor does a perp walk after hiding three hours in her office. « Fred Klonsky:UC Davis Chancellor does a perp walk after hiding three hours in her Fred KlonskyFor three hours UC Davis students surrounded the Chancellor’s office. This followed 24 hours of outrage as the video of police pepper spraying students, ... more »

Blaming Is So American: Cartoons | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Blaming Is So American: Cartoons | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice:Blaming Is So American: Cartoonsby larrycubanImage via WikipediaRepublicans and Democrats blame one another for the impasse over reducing the deficit. Tea party rank-and-file blame President Obama for the decline of the U.S. “Occupy Wall Street” protests across the country blame inequality in wealth on the financial community’s greed. And the previous post dealt with policymakers and reformers, over the past century, blaming children, their families, teachers, and ... more »

No Cops, No Bosses « occupy california #ows

No Cops, No Bosses « occupy california:No Cops, No Bossesby *from BicycleBarricade:By now much of the world has seen video and photos of Lt. John Pike of the UC Davis police department as he discharged a canister of burning chemicals into the faces of students seated in the center of the university quad. Most viewers are outraged, and justifiably so. Much of the outrage has been directed at John Pike. He deserves it. But we should remind ourselves that Friday’s ... more »

Letter: UC Davis Police are “Fascist, Totalitarian, Unaccountable” - Davis, CA Patch #ows

Letter: UC Davis Police are “Fascist, Totalitarian, Unaccountable” - Davis, CA Patch:Letter: UC Davis Police are “Fascist, Totalitarian, Unaccountable”Letter to the EditorBy Bernie GoldsmithAt Occupy Davis, relations with the democratically elected city council and local police forces have been genial and productive. The authorities have worked continuously to harmonize the occupation’s presence with the park and surrounding businesses and ensure that all aspects of the encampment remain non-violent. Those in charge of using force are aware that they are democratically ... more »

UC Davis Chancellor does a perp walk after hiding three hours in her office. « Fred Klonsky #ows

UC Davis Chancellor does a perp walk after hiding three hours in her office. « Fred Klonsky:UC Davis Chancellor does a perp walk after hiding three hours in her Fred KlonskyFor three hours UC Davis students surrounded the Chancellor’s office. This followed 24 hours of outrage as the video of police pepper spraying students, arms locked in non-violent protest, went viral.Finally Chancellor Katehi did the equivalence of a perp walk. Students lined both sides of a walkway and watched ... more »

How education fares if debt supercommittee fails - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

How education fares if debt supercommittee fails - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:How education fares if debt supercommittee failsfrom The Answer Sheet by Valerie StraussFailure of the congressional supercommittee tasked with reducing the federal deficit by at least $1.2 trillion could lead to across-the-board budget cuts, which would have a serious impact on already-distressed public education funding.The Congressional Budget Office has projected what could happen to public education if the trigger is pulled and across-the-board cuts kick in ... more »

Not An Onion Spoof: Newt Gingrich’s Education Plan Is To Fire Janitors And Replace Them With Kids | Mediaite #EDreform

Not An Onion Spoof: Newt Gingrich’s Education Plan Is To Fire Janitors And Replace Them With Kids | Mediaite:Not An Onion Spoof: Newt Gingrich’s Education Plan Is To Fire Janitors And Replace Them With Kidsby Tommy ChristopherFormer House Speaker Newt Gingrich told a crowd on Friday that the solution to income inequality is to fire school janitors, and replace them with children. I am not making this up, and it gets worse. He’s not talking about junior high or high ... more »

Oligarchy and Social Organization | Firedoglake #ows

Oligarchy and Social Organization | Firedoglake:Oligarchy and Social Organizationby masaccioAdam Smith, Etching created by Cadell and Davies (1811)Oligarchy rests on grotesque inequality of material resources. The vast resources available to the rich are used to build social structures that protect their wealth. The US oligarchy is a shining example. Our oligarchs use their stunning wealth both to insure that civil government protects its interests and to infect the public with views supportive of its power and wealth.One easy example of ... more »

NYC Public School Parents: NYC children and teachers speak out at Occupy Wall St. rally in Foley Sq. #ows

NYC Public School Parents: NYC children and teachers speak out at Occupy Wall St. rally in Foley Sq.:NYC children and teachers speak out at Occupy Wall St. rally in Foley Leonie HaimsonMy video taken Sept. 17 of our part of the citywide protests as part of Occupy Wall St. and Occupy the DOE, when, among other things, Justin Wedes taught the Children's Brigade how to use the people's mike, and teachers and students spoke out in Foley Sq.Part I ... more »

Protesters force UC Davis chancellor to halt news conference - #ows

Protesters force UC Davis chancellor to halt news conference - force UC Davis chancellor to halt news conferenceThe embattled UC Davis chancellor, Linda P.B. Katehi, had to stop a news conference prematurely Saturday night after protesters angry that police had used pepper spray on Occupy demonstrators disrupted the event.Hundreds of students surrounded the building where Katehi was speaking, and police were called in. A video of a Friday incident posted on the Internet showed a police officer dousing the ... more »

Unity, division on school reform -

Unity, division on school reform -, division on school reformSATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2011 LAST UPDATED: SUNDAY NOVEMBER 20, 2011, 12:31 PMBRIDGET HARRISONCOLUMNISTTHE RECORDPAGES: 1 2 DISPLAY ON ONE PAGE | PRINT | E-MAILIT IS something that both sides finally agree on: The education system in New Jersey needs to be reformed. How the sides propose to go about doing that is another matter indeed.Last week, at its annual meeting, the New Jersey Education Association announced its broad education reform ... more »

Disruptions at Harding High are under control, CMS says | & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper

Disruptions at Harding High are under control, CMS says | The Charlotte Observer Newspaper:Disruptions at Harding High are under control, CMS saysBy Ann Doss Helmsahelms@charlotteobserver.comPosted: Friday, Nov. 18, 2011Harding High's disruptions were caused by a small number of students and are under control now, according to several speakers at a Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools news conference Thursday."I feel comfortable and safe here," said 11th-grader Roberto Martinez, an International Baccalaureate magnet student at Harding for three years.A day that had be... more »

School Tech Connect: Thank God

School Tech Connect: Thank God:Thank Godby (Tim)And we're back. Every day I thank God that I haven't been brutally pepper-sprayed by police in Seattle, NYC, or at UC-Davis.In Chicago, we're approaching the deadline for CEO Brizard to announce his school closing list, which is how modern urban "portfolio" districts react to poverty. In an intensification of policies that have not worked, Brizard is going to recommend to the school board by November 21 which schools he's giving up on, ... more »

Pike’s Pique | Firedoglake #ows

Pike’s Pique | Firedoglake:Pike’s Piqueby Glenn W. SmithPopoutWhat social or psychological dysfunctions led UC-Davis police lieutenant John Pike to brutally assault some sitting, non-threatening protestors with chemical pepper spray?Clearly unthreatened and acting with a sociopathic coldness, Pike had obviously dehumanized his targets. I just don’t think it’s possible to act in that fashion against other human beings if you regard them as sharing your humanity.But I also think a concept of authority is growing in America which wants to justify ... more »