Saturday, November 5, 2011

Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top AM Posts #ows

Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top AM Posts #ows

Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: What's Next? School Lunches?

Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: What's Next? School Lunches?:What's Next? School Lunches?by Melissa WestbrookThe Seattle Times is reporting that Governor Gregoire is considering cutting K-12 bus transportation. But any squeamishness over student-transportation cuts isn't enough to keep that $220 million idea off her list of ways to potentially deal with budget shortfalls, the latest a $2 billion one.Washington would be the first to completely eliminate state dollars for bus service because of the recent recession, said Bob Riley, executive director ... more »

Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top AM Posts #ows

Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top AM Posts #owsIn Friday's paper: Area charter schools report low test scores - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register StarBig Education Ape - PostRank (PostRank: All)-3 hours agoIn Friday's paper: Area charter schools report low test scores - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star:In Friday's paper: Area charter schools report low test scoresROCKFORD — Rockford’s charter schools were ranked near the bottom of the heap when local Illinois Standards Achievement Test scores were released ... more »

What We Can Learn From High-Performing Charter Schools: Treat Teachers as Professionals | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights

What We Can Learn From High-Performing Charter Schools: Treat Teachers as Professionals | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights:What We Can Learn From High-Performing Charter Schools: Treat Teachers as Professionalsby Tarsi DunlopToo often when discussing the challenges public K-12 education faces, sweeping generalizations are made that in addition to being inaccurate, unfairly categorize professional educators and public schools as uniformly unsuccessful or at best inadequate. For instance, there is no proof that charter schools are guaranteed to produce ... more »

Democurmudgeon: Charter School Networks Failing, New Orleans all Charter District Gets low Grades.

Democurmudgeon: Charter School Networks Failing, New Orleans all Charter District Gets low Grades.:Charter School Networks Failing, New Orleans all Charter District Gets low DemocurmudgeonSo what’s the point of running parallel school districts when they offer up the same results and problems?This study of larger groups of charter networks, thought to expand successful technics within their systems, did not achieve that goal. Edweek: A new national study on the effectiveness of networks that operate charter schools finds overall that their ... more »

Diary of a Social Art-tivist Mommy: DC Parent Power OPEN Meeting Monday

Diary of a Social Art-tivist Mommy: DC Parent Power OPEN Meeting Monday:DC Parent Power OPEN Meeting Mondayby ART-tivist MommyDC Parent Power Open Meeting InviteYou are invited to an open meeting for “DC Parent Power” to look for common ground for civic engagement around public education in the District.THIS Monday, November 7th, 2011atJuanita E. Thornton/Shepherd Park Neighborhood Library,Room: SPK Room A,Time: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PMThis is an open gathering of a group of DCPS parents and education advocates joining together ... more »

Transformers Top Ten List

Transformers Top Ten List: Transformers Top Ten Listby NancyFlanaganThis is a blog to tell SOS readers about IDEC 2012 Week. And–the IDEC 2012 Conference in Puerto Rico next March, a celebration of democratic education– education that is human, powerful, relevant and transformative. Right up Save Our Schools’ alley.So–how do you transform public education in a world where data and profit trump human needs?How do you create a climate where education is continuously reinvented–collaboratively and sustainably–in forms that honor our democratic ...more »

NAEP: A flawed benchmark producing the same old story - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

NAEP: A flawed benchmark producing the same old story - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:NAEP: A flawed benchmark producing the same old storyby Valerie StraussThis was written by James Harvey, executive director of the National Superintendents Roundtable. Harvey, who helped write the seminal 1983 report “A Nation at Risk,” is the author or co-author of four books and dozens of articles on education and has been examining the history of NAEP as part of his doctoral studies at ...more »

Board and Mayor agree to stop breaking the law. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Board and Mayor agree to stop breaking the law. « Fred Klonsky's blog:Board and Mayor agree to stop breaking the Fred KlonskyIn an agreement between the Chicago Teachers Union and the Chicago Board which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the 5th floor of City Hall, Rahm Emanuel agreed to stop breaking the law and live by the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Nothing in the agreement stops the CTU from pursuing their complaint with the Illinois Education Labor Relations Board. ... more »

"Tests" for Kindergarteners? - Dana Goldstein

"Tests" for Kindergarteners? - Dana Goldstein:"Tests" for Kindergarteners?I'll be in Mexico from Sunday through Wednesday, so this will be my last post until late next week. In the meantime, check out my new piece at Slate, which examines the best and not-so-great practices in "kindergarten readiness assessment"--yes, the so-called kindergarten "tests" the Obama administration is asking states to develop, and which have dusted up some controversy. Read it!

At the National Association of Multicultural Education conference today

Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » At the NAME conference today:At the NAME conference todayby adminThe National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME) has been holding their 21st annual international conference here in Chicago this week. NAME’s mission is toadvance and advocate for equity and social justice through multicultural education.I’ll be on a panel this afternoon with friend and true education reformer Bill Ayers and a bunch of other people, all who have contributed to a (we hope) ... more »

In Friday's paper: Area charter schools report low test scores - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

In Friday's paper: Area charter schools report low test scores - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star:In Friday's paper: Area charter schools report low test scoresROCKFORD — Rockford’s charter schools were ranked near the bottom of the heap when local Illinois Standards Achievement Test scores were released earlier this week, and school leaders say it’ll take time to make gains.All three public charter schools fell below the Rockford School District average and well below the state average in reading, math ... more »

Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top AM Posts #ows

Today's Big Education Ape - PostRank Top AM Posts #owsA GOLDEN CHALK AWARD GOES TO — « Teachers Fight BackBig Education Ape - PostRank (PostRank: All)-6 hours agoA GOLDEN CHALK AWARD GOES TO — « Teachers Fight Back:A GOLDEN CHALK AWARD GOES TO —by alkleenAnother Golden Chalk Award has been given out. This one goes to Mary Fergus, a spokeswoman with the Illinois State Board of Education. She was explaining to reporters why Illinois students did so poorly on the ... more »

Longer school day: Union to announce agreement with CPS -

Longer school day: Union to announce agreement with CPS - to announce deal with CPS on longer school dayMadigan has spoken with city, labor leaders in last few days, her spokeswoman saysComments21Share211By Joel Hood, Chicago Tribune reporter8:53 p.m. CDT, November 3, 2011The Chicago Teachers Union has called a news conference at noon Friday to discuss details of an agreement reached with Chicago Public Schools over the longer school day issue.Neither side would provide specifics of the agreement Thursday.But a ... more »