Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This Week In Education: Update: How Rookie Mistakes Turn Mini-Crises Into Major Ones

This Week In Education: Update: How Rookie Mistakes Turn Mini-Crises Into Major Ones:

Update: How Rookie Mistakes Turn Mini-Crises Into Major Ones

Picture 14Over the summer, Stand For Children's Jonah Edelman got in hot water for revealing how he'd helped get reform legislation passed in Illinois -- and then made things worse with an unnecessary public apology that only confirmed that his critics were right and pushed the story out for another few days or weeks. Earlier today, Chicago teacher union head Karen Lewis did much the same thing, calling a

Five Best Blogs: Even James Heckman Can't Save You

ScreenHunter_56 Sep. 07 10.14

Will Science Reframe Poverty? Think Progress: I’m sure higher taxes on the rich to pay for early childhood eduction would also poll well. From everything I’ve seen, the voters are eager to tax the rich. But none of this shows an