Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thank a Teacher on Nov. 25, StoryCorps’ National Day of Listening | Edwize

Thank a Teacher on Nov. 25, StoryCorps’ National Day of Listening | Edwize:

Thank a Teacher on Nov. 25, StoryCorps’ National Day of Listening

StoryCorps is asking everyone to take a few minutes to say thanks to a favorite teacher on the day after Thanksgiving.


Whether posting a memory to Facebook (@storycorps), thanking them on Twitter (@storycorps, #thankateacher), taping a tribute on YouTube or sending a ‘thank you’ card, the 2011 National Day of Listening will send a powerful and necessary message to teachers across the nation: they matter, and we as a nation are grateful for the impact they have on our lives.

You can also record a face-to-face interview with a teacher—or anyone else you’d like to honor for the National Day of Listening—using the the tools on this page.

Once you have participated, tell us about it on our Wall of Listening.