Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ten Thousand Massed at Foley Square, Thousands More En Route | #OWS

Ten Thousand Massed at Foley Square, Thousands More En Route |

Ten Thousand Massed at Foley Square, Thousands More En Route

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at

A few hours ago, thousands of students, workers, and other supporters gathered in Union Square chanting "Shut the city down!" and using the People's Mic to share more stories of how banks and corporate greed have impacted the 99%. Simultaneously, Occupiers took to multiple subway stations in all five boroughs.

Students chanted "CUNY should be free!" and "Student Power!" as they took to the streets along 16th and 5th Avenue, shutting down traffic and leaving police unable to respond. Police eventually erected barricades along 5th Avenue in an attempt to block the march

Now, thousands of people have left Union square to join their fellow Occupiers and are marching down Broadway toward Foley Square to join another large contingent of labor unions. We are currently hearing reports that Foley has been overwhelmed by a massive police presence, with helicopters circling overhead. However, thousands have already gathered approaching Foley and more continue to pour out from the subways.