Sunday, November 6, 2011

Teacher Lets 4th Graders Enjoy Wisconsin Solidarity Sing Along-Gets reprimand+15 minutes of fame |

Teacher Lets 4th Graders Enjoy Wisconsin Solidarity Sing Along-Gets reprimand+15 minutes of fame |:

Teacher Lets 4th Graders Enjoy Wisconsin Solidarity Sing Along-Gets reprimand+15 minutes of fame

FOX6 out of Milwaukee ran this story on its web site: Their hard-hitting investigative team caught 4th graders on a field trip singing with the Solidarity Sing Along group. They also report that the students’ Portage teacher got a letter of reprimand placed in his file for allowing the kids to sing a version of This Land is Your Land that says in the end: This house is your house. This house is my house! From the rotunda to the Governor’s office! Scott Walker… Will never push us out! This house was made for you and me! If THAT curls your hair, then this blogger has another shocker. They also say “Video of the incident was aired by FOX6 in Milwaukee earlier this week” I

Madison High School Students Walked Out in Solidarity with Oakland and a Global Movement

It’s only today that I am able to comb through the net and read about the actions taken Wednesday November 2nd to stand in solidarity with the occupy protesters of Oakland, California. What follows starts close to home with Madison students but extends all the way to Egypt. I conclude with a look back at the protests both peaceful and not-peaceful in Oakland. On Wednesday I learned about high school students that had walked out of school that day from a Solidarity Sing Along singer who told me in the Capitol rotunda. She said the students