Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday: Global Uprisings--Egypt, Tunisia, Iran & Activists @ #OWS |

Sunday: Global Uprisings--Egypt, Tunisia, Iran & Activists @ OWS |

Sunday: Global Uprisings--Egypt, Tunisia, Iran & Activists @ OWS

GLOBAL REVOLUTIONS: The U.S., Middle East and North African Uprisings

Sunday, November 6th, 5pm
Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park) - under the red sculpture
(directly after the multi-faith service.)

We are honored that three Middle Eastern and North African activists: Esraa Abdel Fattah - Egypt, Jamel Bettaieb - Tunisia, Mahboubeh Abbasgholizadeh - Iran, will be with us at OWS.

Esraa Abdel Fattah - Cyber activist and creator of the April 6th Facebook page which called for the first successful Egyptian general strike in 2008. Jailed for her efforts, she quickly became one of the most recognizable and prominent spokespersons for the Egyptian opposition. She was short listed for the 2011 Nobel

A guest piece, by an arrestee of the 99

Nature itself is the beautiful expression of order and balance arising out of chaos. Time and time again, nature has demonstrated its ability to naturally grow this order and peace out of the random noise that makes its very basis. The myth of true order comes from human attempts to impose it where it does not naturally occur. While there may be order, its cause is incorrectly perceived.

By definition, imposed order is unstable. It must be forcibly maintained in order to continue to exist. People are as a whole intelligent enough to devise such structures but not intelligent enough to override our most fundamental sense of natural order. As a whole, our species' attempt to engineer its own order has been slowly successful. We created kingdoms, handing ourselves to a monarch. This is an extreme deviation from natural order, because there are in that case only a handful of people globally who matter. It leaves the commoner