Tuesday, November 15, 2011

SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL: Whitney Tilson Embarrasses Himself Yet Again!

SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL: Whitney Tilson Embarrasses Himself Yet Again!:

Whitney Tilson Embarrasses Himself Yet Again!

Ugh. Whitney stuff tonight. I just can't help it, especially when he emails contradictory, convoluted, half baked, foot in his mouth blabbering diatribes. If you have not yet subscribed to Whitney Tilson's newsletter or listserv or whatever you wish to call it, I suggest you do. Mention SBSB in the request email and you win a prize!

So Whitney wrote today;
The issue of teacher evaluations has come to the forefront all over the country. Everyone – even the unions at least pay lip service to it – agrees that there are huge differences among teachers that have an enormous impact on students, so it’s