Wednesday, November 2, 2011

School Tech Connect: This Is How You Run For Pension Board

School Tech Connect: This Is How You Run For Pension Board:

This Is How You Run For Pension Board

Here's Ray Wohl, running for the board of the Chicago Teachers' Pension Fund --- the election is Friday. Ray's a solid guy-- I'd vote for him for anything. I'm posting this here because he's telling it like it is--- we need more candidates like this, and not just for pension boards. All of those people who run for RA's and House of Delegates meetings should be held to this kind of standard.

Listen to Ray. Frankly, I don't blame Rahm and the 1% for trying to grab the pension boards. Guys like Ray aren't going to be bowled over, and if I were a plutocrat, I'd want them out of the way. It's just sickening that Toni