Thursday, November 10, 2011

Putting our Veterans Back to Work |

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Good morning,

As our soldiers begin to return home many will be looking to re-enter the workforce. Many military friendly employers are planning to target returning veterans in 2012 to help them reintegrate into the workforce and to take advantage of the Wounded Warrior and pending Returning Veterans Tax Credits.

Monster has developed the following tools to help our soldiers return to the work quickly and to help you take advantage of these tax credits.

· Veteran Job Postings: The most direct access to our military network with job postings

· Veteran Power Resume Search: We have over 800,000 Veterans in our database. With 6Sense® search technology, matching this talent pool to your customers’ unique requirements is simple, fast, and efficient.

· Power Resume Search with Diversity: The Diversity Network option provides search features for Veterans, US citizens, and job seekers with security clearance.

· Military Career Ad Network: Reach into hundreds of sites where Veterans hang out online. Sold with Veteran Job Postings, Veteran Career Ad Network will distribute your customers’ job postings to relevant sites throughout the web.

· Military Skills Translator Easily see how Veterans can translate their military skills and experience into civilian occupations.

· Media packages: Many advertising options on, the nation’s largest military online membership organization with over 10 million members.

Please contact me if Davis Food Co-op is interested in helping these returning heroes get back to work.

Chris Andrews
