Tuesday, November 15, 2011

pureparents.org » PSAT for 11-15-11, Part 1: 5 actions to celebrate National Education Week

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PSAT for 11-15-11, Part 1: 5 actions to celebrate National Education Week

Well, Chicago may have decided to kick off National Education Week with a lame school report card map and a flurry of sanctimonious hand-wringing over CTU Prez Karen Lewis’s stand-up routine at a recent teachers’ convention. I think we can do better. Public education in this country really needs the serious, consistent support of parents and the community working hand-in-hand with our children’s teachers and other school staff.

The NEA suggests five things we can do to help:

1. Help fund a teacher’s classroom project. Teachers spend on average $350 a year out of their own pockets on classroom materials. To help them, the NEA Foundation is partnering with DonorsChoose.org to fulfill their wish lists for their students. Search NEA members’ project requests for classroom learning needs on