Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Problem With Charters - Bridging Differences - Education Week #ows

The Problem With Charters - Bridging Differences - Education Week:

The Problem With Charters

Editor's Note: Diane Ravitch is taking a break from the blog this week, and Deborah Meier is blogging in her place today. Bridging Differences will begin its Thanksgiving holiday tomorrow and return next week.

Dear Diane,

I'm back from Chicago—my sort-of second home. I spent my "off hours" arguing, as usual, with my friend Mike Klonsky. Mostly about old issues, definitions of words, etc. It's our leisure hobby. But it keeps me sharpened.

And it's Mike who noticed that in my last letter to you, Diane, I mistakenly left the impression that I equated Ron Wolk with the corporate billionaires. That was a sloppy error, as I rushed to get it off before leaving for Chicago! (An aside:Hurrah! The National Council of Teachers of English passed a resolution of nonsupport for the central