Sunday, November 6, 2011

People Have Power: SB 22 Dead (For Now) | AMPS

People Have Power: SB 22 Dead (For Now) | AMPS:

People Have Power: SB 22 Dead (For Now)

Patti Smith – “People Have The Power” (click to listen or download)

Susan Troller is reporting in the Cap Times that SB 22, the bill creating a partisan, political state charter school authorizing board to override the wishes of local school boards (and more) is dead, for now. This is a huge victory for for public education in the state and local control the Wisconsin people’s mobilization.

The bill came before the Senate Education Committee on March 23, in the wake of the mass protests. Hundreds of newly empowered individuals and groups showed up to counter the well laid plans of the FitzWalker gang, School Choice Wisconsin, Wisconsin Charter School Association, American Federation for Children and