Friday, November 4, 2011

Pension killer. What’s the over/under? One. You. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Pension killer. What’s the over/under? One. You. « Fred Klonsky's blog:

Pension killer. What’s the over/under? One. You.

The other morning my friend Matthew was trying to explain the betting concept of over/under to Cynthia, our music teacher.

Of course we don’t actually do any gambling at work. Absolutely no Super Bowl squares. No NCAA brackets. That would be wrong.

But we were talking about Vegas. As you know, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Including your money.

At the sports books in Vegas you can bet the over/under. Will the teams combined score be over or under the number you bet?

Springfield, Illinois will be a lot like Vegas come Tuesday when the final three days of the veto session begins.

Thousands of teachers may be big-time losers depending on the outcome.

Will GOP House leader bring his bill to the floor? He says he has 30 Republican votes.

Will enough Democrats join him?

What’s the over/under?



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