Sunday, November 6, 2011

Patricia Levesque Joins Jeb Bush in Calling for Status Quo After Poor NAEP Numbers | Scathing Purple Musings

Patricia Levesque Joins Jeb Bush in Calling for Status Quo After Poor NAEP Numbers | Scathing Purple Musings:

Patricia Levesque Joins Jeb Bush in Calling for Status Quo After Poor NAEP Numbers

Jeb Bush’s PR machine is good at staying on message. A case in point is today’s opinion piece in the Orlando Sentinel by Bush’s top policy wonk Patricia Levesque which comes just days after her boss’ statement in response to Florida’s poor showing on NAEP. Like Bush, Levesque seeks to establish their own version of the news. Writes Levesque:

In evaluating the scores, Florida Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson declared the results will “help us further adapt classroom instruction to
accommodate the needs of our students.”

The problem?

We are celebrating a success story that has essentially stalled. Fact is, once students stop making gains, they start falling behind. If Florida leaders