Monday, November 7, 2011 #OWS #OccupyWallStreet

Roger Waters: The Tide Is Turning (#OccupyWallStreet Music Video)

admin at - 50 minutes ago
Editor’s Note: Thank you for this Roger, much respect! Roger Waters on #OccupyWallStreet The Tide Is Turning: #OWS Music Video

Finding Freedom in Handcuffs

Chris Hedges at - 50 minutes ago
Cross-posted from TruthDig Faces appeared to me moments before the New York City police arrested us Thursday in front of Goldman Sachs. They were not the faces of the smug Goldman Sachs employees, who peered at us through the revolving glass doors and lobby windows, a pathetic collection of middle-aged fraternity and sorority members. They [...]

What Next? – #OccupyOakland Vol. 8

Myles Boisen at - 50 minutes ago
What I am most impressed by, most loving, about the Occupy movement is that there are no leaders. There is no set agenda. We are organized. We are empowered. We are welcoming to all. But we do not have a specific agenda. We are the agenda. Our futures. I have been thinking a lot about [...]

Oakland Police Snipe an Occupy Cameraman

Jinger Dixon at - 50 minutes ago
While filming a police line at Occupy Oakland after midnight on Nov. 3 following the Nov. 2 general strike, an officer opens fire and shoots the cameraman with a rubber bullet. He was standing well back. There was no violence or confrontations of any kind underway. At 0:31 seconds you can see a tall officer [...]

Mic Check: You Say You Want A Revolution? What Now?

Danny Schechter at - 1 day ago
MIC CHECK: YOU SAY YOU WANT A REVOLUTION?…. What Will Happen To Occupy Wall Street If It Loses Its Park? By Danny Schechter, Author of The Crime Of Our Time The tarps are flapping and the tents are not bringing much warmth. The harsh winds of Winter are lashing the encampment at Zucotti Park, or as [...]

Extensive Blow-By-Blow Account of Bank Transfer Day

admin at - 1 day ago
Here’s OWS Live-Blogger extraordinaire Kevin Gosztola’s blow-by-blow account of Bank Transfer Day… I spent the last ten days traveling the Midwest and delivering supplies to occupations I visited. The donations of supplies were made with money from Firedoglake’s #OccupySupply Fund. I had to put FDL’s premier live blog that I had been operating on hiatus [...]

A Message to All Police Officers From A Former LAPD Officer and Occupy Wall Street Supporter

Michael C. Ruppert at - 1 day ago
By Michael Ruppert, As a former LAPD officer, I created this video to address those police officers — and their leadership — who have been in violent and brutal attacks at some of the Occupy Wall Street protest camps in the U.S. and around the world. As Sergeant Shamar Thomas made so clear in [...]

52% of Unemployed Americans Do Not Receive Unemployment Benefits

admin at - 1 day ago
By Christopher S. Rugaber, AP The jobs crisis has left so many people out of work for so long that most of America’s unemployed are no longer receiving unemployment benefits. People stand in line to apply for jobs in Miami, Florida, in September 2011. The jobs crisis has left so many people out of work [...]