Wednesday, November 30, 2011

On Getting Better At Your Craft | The Jose Vilson

On Getting Better At Your Craft | The Jose Vilson:

On Getting Better At Your Craft

Detroit Classroom

This year, I decided I was going to focus more intently on developing lesson plans day-to-day. To be honest, I lost a bit of that, thinking that developing plans by units would be substantive enough to get through to my students and through my curriculum. I was approaching “getting better” by concentrating on getting better at developing units (something I had never done before), but then I was losing sight of the day-to-day. Having a lesson plan every day, or at least 90% of the time, makes a world of difference in classroom management as well as delivery of the lesson. That sounds obvious for the great teacher, but … I’m not great yet.

My flaws are innumerable, and I blame myself first and foremost for things that happen in my classroom, even