Saturday, November 19, 2011

Occupy endgame: arrest 1% “emperor has no clothes” obvious criminals | #ows

Occupy endgame: arrest 1% “emperor has no clothes” obvious criminals |

Occupy endgame: arrest 1% “emperor has no clothes” obvious criminals

source: Carl Herman

Occupy’s victory means peace from criminal wars based on obvious lies, economic security and sufficiency for 100% of humanity, and unleashing suppressed technologies that transforms what it means to be human into unimaginable status.

Occupy’s endgame, in retrospect, will be obvious: after a period of “emperor has no clothes” expository communication from independent Internet media to the 99%, those with arrest authority exercise it to remove criminal leadership from power.

The first criminal arrests will be for War Crimes and financial fraud. The most notable will be “leadership” of both US political parties and from the