Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Occupations Report: 11/04 | Occupy Together #ows

The Occupations Report: 11/04 | Occupy Together:

The Occupations Report: 11/04

We’ve recently seen this report posted and shared through social media, but we thought it might be helpful to have another place on the web it can be published and accessed daily. We’ll be posting the archives of this report soon. This Occupation Report is compiled by Rebuild the Dream.

REQUEST FOR UPDATES FROM READERS: The Daily Occupations Report needs your help! We are currently putting together a list of cities that have been supportive of local Occupy groups and those that have been less than supportive (i.e.: police crackdowns and evictions). Please send your stories and updates to or

This report includes updates from Occupy sites and related efforts across the country and the globe. It includes big wins, local organizing efforts, protests/events, police activity reports and calls to action where additional support from allies/general public may be