Monday, November 28, 2011

NYC Public School Parents: The New Teacher Project's weird & crazy teacher survey

NYC Public School Parents: The New Teacher Project's weird & crazy teacher survey:

The New Teacher Project's weird & crazy teacher survey

The New Teacher Project, an organization which Michelle Rhee once ran, is closely aligned with DOE, and which strongly advocates against seniority protections and for merit pay and evaluations linked to test scores, posted a survey for NYC teachers. This survey, which originally had a deadline of Friday, December 3, seems to have been taken down early, perhaps because publicity leaked out about it on our NYC Ed list serv.
The survey contained many strange, three level choices that are difficult to rationalize or interpret, but appear to be designed to get results that favor its policy agenda and against other reforms like class size reduction. Here’s a typical question:
Which would you prefer: A school with…
Average school leadership
Poor school leadership