Thursday, November 3, 2011

NYC Educator: "That's Just Mean": Bullies at the Heritage Foundation

NYC Educator: "That's Just Mean": Bullies at the Heritage Foundation:

"That's Just Mean": Bullies at the Heritage Foundation

Usually, after a trying day with the children, checking in with the adult world has the effect of, if not cheering me up, then at least keeping me real. Reminding me that I do not have to base my self-worth on the evanescent opinions of 15-year-olds is, generally speaking, a healthy exercise. And, hey, there's politics and humor and literature out there in the adult world with which I can engage and remind myself that my work is to prepare my students to engage with those same things, so I have to keep myself fresh with that wider universe as well.

So after my last class, I'll often take a few minutes to read, say, the Times, Education Week, GothamSchools, Slate, Gawker (granted, not the best