Monday, November 28, 2011

New initiative: $10B for K-12, preschools | Thoughts on Public Education

New initiative: $10B for K-12, preschools | Thoughts on Public Education:

New initiative: $10B for K-12, preschools - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

An initiative that would raise $10 billion for K-12 education and preschools by raising the state income tax, primarily on the rich, will be submitted to the Attorney General’s office for review this week, the first step for placing it on the November 2012 ballot. The initiative would target low-income students, who’d get a larger [...]

Understanding the ‘why’ behind teacher evaluations is critical to their success - by Judy Burton

A poll released last week by USC and the LA Times tells us that the public approves of measuring teacher effectiveness through a combination of indicators including the academic growth of their students. The U.S. Department of Education has made measuring and improving teaching effectiveness a fundamental component of its reform efforts and requires it [...]